
Dave Futer: Research

I study knots and links, as well as the 3-dimensional manifolds that surround them. I was first drawn to this field by its visual nature and strong geometric flavor. I like seeing things visually, and the pictures of hyperbolic geometry play a significant role in my work. Here is what I do, in a little more detail:

Research papers

(Here is a more detailed list, with abstracts.)
  1. Cusp areas of Farey manifolds and applications to knot theory. With Effie Kalfagianni and Jessica Purcell.
    Submitted (2008). [PS], [PDF], [ArXiv].

  2. Symmetric links and Conway sums: volume and Jones polynomial. With Effie Kalfagianni and Jessica Purcell.
    Submitted (2008). [PS], [PDF], [ArXiv].

  3. Alternating sum formulae for the determinant and other link invariants. With Oliver Dasbach, Effie Kalfagianni, Xiao-Song Lin, and Neal Stoltzfus.
    Submitted (2007). [PS], [PDF], [ArXiv].

  4. The Jones polynomial and graphs on surfaces. With Oliver Dasbach, Effie Kalfagianni, Xiao-Song Lin, and Neal Stoltzfus.
    Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B 98 (2008), Issue 2, 384-399. [PDF], [Web], [ArXiv].

  5. Dehn filling, volume, and the Jones polynomial. With Effie Kalfagianni and Jessica Purcell.
    Journal of Differential Geometry 78 (2008) 429-464. [PDF], [Web], [ArXiv].

  6. Angled decompositions of arborescent link complements. With François Guéritaud.
    To appear in Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society (2008). [PDF], [Web], [ArXiv].

  7. Geometric triangulations of two-bridge link complements. Appendix to a paper by François Guéritaud.
    Geometry & Topology 10 (2006), 1267-1282. [PDF], [Web], [ArXiv].

  8. Links with no exceptional surgeries. With Jessica Purcell.
    Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici 82 (2007), No. 3, 629-664. [PDF], [Web], [ArXiv].

  9. Involutions of knots that fix unknotting tunnels.
    Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications 16 (2007), No. 6, 741-748. [PDF], [Web], [ArXiv].

  10. Cost-minimizing networks among immiscible fluids in R2. With Andrei Gnepp, David McMath, Brian Munson, Ting Ng, Sang-Hyoun Pahk, and Cara Yoder.
    Pacific Journal of Mathematics 196 (2000), no. 2, 395-414. [PS], [PDF], [Web].

Research links

General links:

Visualization software:

  • The KnotPlot Site makes beautiful pictures, including both of the knot pictures on this page.
  • Not Knot, a great visual introduction to hyperbolic geometry
  • Spend an hour or two playing with Jeff Weeks's programs, and you'll understand the idea of a manifold.
  • More from the Geometry Center (now sadly defunct)
Math research social links:

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dfuter at math msu edu
Last modified: Fri Apr 11 11:08:44 PDT 2008