Weierstrass points and Z2 homology

John D. McCarthy
Department of Mathematics
Michigan State University
E. Lansing, MI 48824-1027

July 15, 1994


In a recent paper, "Weierstrass points and multiple intersection points of closed geodesics", Lustig established a beautiful connection between the 6 Weierstrass points on a Riemann surface M of genus 2 and intersection points of closed geodesics for the associated hyperbolic metric on M. In particular, using this connection, Lustig established a number of interesting results for the mapping class group of M and for simple closed curves on M. In this paper, we establish a natural connection between Weierstrass points on M and the Z2 homology of M. Using this connection, we give independent topological proofs of these results of Lustig.

This paper has been published: Topology and its Applications 63 (1995) 173-188.

Contact: mccarthy@math.msu.edu

Last Revised 7/9/99