Mingji Zhang


Visiting Research Associate

Department of Mathematics 

Michigan State University

619 Red Cedar Road

East Lansing, Michigan 48824


Office: C300 Wells Hall

Phone: (517) 884-1455

Fax: (517) 432-1562

Email: mzhang@math.msu.edu


Personal Page: http://www.mzhang0129.wix.com/mingji-zhang


Research Interests:


·        Geometric Singular Perturbation Theory (GSPT)

·        Applications of GSPT to Poisson-Nernst-Planck type models

·        Bifurcation theory for planar polynomial vector space

·        Mathematical biology

·        Partial differential equations


Selected Publications and Preprints


·        H. Lu, S. Lv and M. Zhang: Fourier spectral approximations to the dynamics of 3D fractional complex Ginzburg-Landau equation


·        P. W. Bates, W. Liu, H. Lu and M. Zhang: Ion size and valence effects on ionic flows via Poisson-Nernst-Planck.


·        H. Lu, P. W. Bates, S. Lv and M. Zhang: Dynamics of 3D fractional complex Ginzburg-Landau equation.

J. Differential  Equations (to appear)

·        H. Lu, P. W. Bates, S. Lv and M. Zhang: Stochastic dynamics of 3D fractional Ginzburg-Landau equation with multiplicative noise on an unbounded domain.

Commun. Math. Sci. (to appear)

·        H. Lu, P. W. Bates, J. Xin and M. Zhang: Asymptotic behavior of stochastic fractional power dissipative equations on R^n.


·        S. Ji, W. Liu and M. Zhang: Effects of (small) permanent charge and channel geometry on ionic flows via classical Poisson-Nernst-Planck models.

SIAM J. on Appl. Math., 75 (1) 114-135 (2015)

·        M. Zhang: Asymptotic expansions and numerical simulations on I-V relations via a Poisson-Nernst-Planck system with zero permanent charge function.

Rocky Mountain J. Math. (to appear)

·        G. Lin, W. Liu, Y. Yi and M. Zhang: Poisson-Nernst-Planck systems for ion flow with density functional theory for local hard-sphere potential.

SIAM J. on Appl. Dyn. Syst., 12(3) 1613-1648 (2013)

·        W. Liu, X. Tu and M. Zhang: Poisson-Nernst-Planck type models for ionic flow with hard sphere ion species: I-V relations and critical potentials. Part II: Numerics.

J. Dynamics and Differential Equations, 24(4) 985-1004 (2012)

·        M. Zhang and S. Li: Distribution of Limit Cycles in Z_2-Equivariant Planar Polynomial Vector Field of Degree 7.

J. Kunming University of Science and Technology (Science and Technology) 31(6): 111-113 (2006)

·        D. Kong, H. Guo and M. Zhang: Classification of Z_2-equivariant planar Hamiltonian phase portrait.

J. Science Information, 4: 139-140 (2006)

·        J. Li, M. Zhang and S. Li: Bifurcations of Limit Cycles in Z_2-Equivariant Planar Polynomial Vector Field of Degree 7.

I. J. Bifurcation and Chaos, 16(4) 925-943 (2006)




Summer 2015: Math 411 (Abstract Algebra II)

Class meets at 12:40pm-2:30pm in 114 EBH on TWF

Office hours: TWF 11:30-12:30 and by appointment




For more details about the final, please refer to Class Page or my Personal Page!